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Alex Rubenstein

Alex grew up surrounded by the endless outdoors of Portland, OR. His summers were filled with nature day camp, hiking, basketball, mountain biking, and more basketball. His journey towards film began with a fruitful foray into stand-up comedy and student theater that soon transformed into an unrelenting passion for documentary filmmaking and wildlife and conservation photography. After studying international affairs and Arabic in DC, Alex worked as an assistant editor at a documentary media company before becoming a full-time video editor, crafting short videos on topics ranging from cash bail reform and psychedelic medicine to greenhouse technology, microchip implants, and vertical farming.

His work has taken him from filming a documentary in Florence, Italy about love and cheese, to calving glaciers off the coast of Alaska, and most recently made a series of videos for a conservation non-profit in the Sierra Nevadas working to protect wild lands. All these incredible experiences have instilled in him an unwavering love of the outdoors and a commitment to share the majesty of our world and highlight the stories of those working to change it; truly reinforcing his conviction that storytelling is the ultimate tool of healing and growth.

In his free time, Alex makes music videos, parodies, and comedy sketches with his friends and is currently producing and editing several outdoor adventure and conservation documentary films for his production company, Endure Media House, from his home base in Boulder, CO.

My upcoming expeditions