Steve Gould
Steve grew up near the water and spent his time clambering in and out of small boats. Even in his earliest memories Steve has felt more at home on the water than on land, and much of his youth was occupied with sailing, swimming, and learning more about the sea. He sailed competitively, ultimately becoming a member of the extremely competitive United States Sailing Team. And at the age of seventeen Steve managed to complete an Atlantic crossing aboard a forty-six foot sailboat.
After teaching school for several years, Steve moved to the Virgin Islands where he owned and operated a small resort and charter boat business. While living aboard his own boat he cruised the Atlantic coast and the Caribbean for two years, also making yacht deliveries between Canada and Panama.
Steve first began working with Lindblad Expeditions in 1989 and has thoroughly enjoyed every Lindblad journey. Steve has led expeditions all around the globe, having journeyed in Central America, Baja California, Europe, Alaska, the Pacific Northwest and more. The remarkable lure of the Polar Regions has taken him to the high latitudes year after year — after living on the tropical seas for so long, Steve especially enjoys experiencing the wildly different conditions in the Arctic. When not traveling with Lindblad or otherwise sailing the high seas, Steve enjoys spending his time at home building wooden boats.