Major Milestone Set For Lindblad Expeditions as National Geographic Endurance Arrives at Ulstein Verft in Norway

New York, NY, April 23, 2019 --- Today marked a major milestone for Lindblad Expeditions as the hull of National Geographic Endurance, the world’s most advanced polar expedition ship and the first polar build in the history of Lindblad Expeditions, arrived in Ulsteinvik, Norway after traveling nearly six days from Gydnia, Poland where construction of the main hull steel work was completed. The ship arrived under tow with 100% of structure steel and major foundation work having been competed at Crist S.A.

The ship currently has all bow thruster and major HVAC equipment installed. The main engines, generators, stabilizers, cranes and other essential equipment will be installed in dry dock at Ulstein Shipyard, along with the completed piping, electrical and hotel outfitting.

The last two steel blocks on the housetop which make up the ships masts will be erected later in the construction stage as air space becomes available at Ulstein Shipyard. The ship is scheduled to be delivered at the end of January 2020.

Lindblad recently announced an agreement with Ulstein on the design and construction of a second polar vessel, due for delivery in 2021.

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Contact: Patty Disken-Cahill,, 212-261-9081