Below, find the latest information on which trips are operating, as well as answers to your questions about testing and travel to and from the ship. For entry protocols specific to your destination, visit Protocols by Destination.
Updates are as of October 28, 2022, and are subject to change.
Do I need to take a COVID-19 test before depart home for my expedition?
If I was possibly exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the days leading up to my expedition OR while on a pre-voyage extension, what should I do? Can I continue on my expedition?
What happens if I or someone from my traveling party tests positive for COVID-19 on the day of embarkation?
If I am denied boarding, am I entitled to a refund?
Travel to the Ship
What precautions do you recommend I take while traveling?
I was planning to explore independently a few days before the trip. Can I still do that?
During Your Expedition
Do I still need to wear a mask while onboard?
Will I be able to explore ports on my own?
If I need a PCR test to return to my home country, will Lindblad help me with getting that test?
Are there medical staff onboard?
What medical equipment does Lindblad have on the ship? What medical services can Lindblad provide onboard?
If You Test Positive
If a guest or crew member tests positive onboard, what is your response plan?
If I test positive on the ship, what are the isolation arrangements onboard?
If a guest tests positive during the expedition but is asymptomatic, does he/she still have to isolate?
If I booked air through LEX Air Department, will they automatically rebook our flights for a later departure?
Will close contacts be required to quarantine even if they test negative?
If You Test Positive - Post-Expedition
If I test positive during my voyage, what happens on disembarkation day?
Am I responsible for payment of the isolation accommodations, meals and airport transfer once ashore?
Who covers the cost of my homeward airfare?
Daily meetings keep our finger on the pulse of what’s happening globally, and as the latest research and public health recommendations evolve, so will our policies. We will continue to update our protocols for all operating voyages in accordance with local, state, federal, and international regulations and guidelines.
*There are certain unavoidable risks to passengers and property associated with expedition travel, including, among others, traveling with other people and illness or disease caused by exposure to bacteria, pathogens, and viruses, including the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, despite screening and testing and other steps taken by Lindblad Expeditions and passengers in response to these risks. In the event any passenger, crew, staff or others on the vessel were to test positive for COVID-19 and/or develop symptoms consistent with COVID-19, governmental authorities may require a 14-day or longer quarantine of all individuals on the vessel either on the vessel or elsewhere. Lindblad Expeditions shall not be liable for any claims, demands, and/or damages arising from or relating to any exposure to the coronavirus and/or the contraction of any illness or disease as a result of any such exposure, including but not limited to COVID-19, by passenger or any other person, including claims and damages due or allegedly due to inaccurate test results (including possible false negative test results) and/or the negligence of any Independent Contractor providing any medical screening or testing services, laboratory services, medical evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, advice, and/or recommendations, or any supplies and services for sanitation purposes.