Today we woke up for an early walk uphill to the top of Bartolome, a satellite islet of Santiago Island. This relatively young island is a good place to appreciate different geological formations such as tuff and spatter cones, and young basaltic flows. The presence of pioneer plants such as Tiquilia nesiotica and the lava cactus makes of Bartolome a good place to understand how life started in Galapagos after the first colonizers stablished in newly formed islands. In the afternoon we visited Chinese Hat, another satellite islet of Santiago Island. The presence of sea lions and colorful fishes made up our afternoon. We finished our exploration day with an outstanding sunset that we could appreciate on the sky deck of the National Geographic Endeavour II.
- Daily Expedition Reports
- 15 Mar 2018
Bartolome and Chinese Hat, 3/15/2018, National Geographic Endeavour II
- Aboard the National Geographic Endeavour II
- Galápagos
Galápagos Aboard National Geographic Endeavour II
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