Due to the arrival of various discoverers and settlers over the years, most islands in the Galápagos archipelago have at least one Spanish and one English name. Also called the “Mystery Island,” Floreana has a unique human history, including failed business enterprises and disappearances in the 1930s. During the whaling era over a hundred years ago, Post Office Bay, north of Floreana, was a mandatory last stop for homeward bound ships. At a time when no official mailing system existed, sailors dropped letters in the Post Office barrel with hopes that a future traveler might hand-deliver them. This was the only way sailors could maintain communication with their families back home.
- Daily Expedition Reports
- 10 Jan 2022
Floreana Island, 1/10/2022, National Geographic Endeavour II
- Aboard the National Geographic Endeavour II
- Galápagos
Galápagos Aboard National Geographic Endeavour II
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