As soon as many people left to go eat, a group of animals began lunging and moving very rapidly through the water. They would surface, breathe deeply and then begin some aggressive behavior that appeared like a big game of chase!! We watched as these whales continued this behavior for at least an hour, later accompanied by several lone animals who were breaching again and again. It was a visual feast as the Sea Lion made her way to the tip of the Baja peninsula and the southernmost point on our journey.
- Daily Expedition Reports
- 01 Mar 2000
From the Sea Lion in Baja California, 3/1/2000, National Geographic Sea Lion
- Aboard the National Geographic Sea Lion
- Baja California
What a day for humpback whales! Our morning on the Sea Lion began with warmer air and "whale soup" at sunrise, as we were surrounded by humpback whales and two gray whales. We continued to cruise in and around these whales until the announcement came for breakfast at 7:30. Our expedition leader said our guests could go downstairs for breakfast or remain on the bow, where we would be watching these whales until approximately 9:30.