Saturday morning began with National Geographic Endurance exploring Isla de los Estados off the eastern coast of Tierra del Fuego. First up for the daily adventures was a Zodiac cruise around Observatory Island. Wildlife abounds here, and there was a chance to see cormorants and fur seals. In the afternoon, everyone went ashore for a fun hike to see the Lighthouse at the End of the World, which was the location of the novel by Jules Verne. While the hikers explored on land, the divers explored the kelp forests just offshore. Another great day!
- Daily Expedition Reports
- 12 Mar 2022
Observatory Island & Lighthouse at the End of the World- Isla de los Estados, 3/12/2022, National Geographic Endurance
- Aboard the National Geographic Endurance
- Patagonia
Southern Patagonia: Glaciers, Fjords & Wildlife
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