Early in the morning, heavy clouds covered the mountains and fjords when the sun tried to come through, creating an incendiary red-orange-yellow atmosphere. Most of the morning was decidedly wet. Winds from the southwest Pacific, charged with moisture picked up from the ocean, crash against the Andes and discharge all their might. Luxurious forests and glaciers can exist in these latitudes due to the weather systems. We found a number of seabirds and whales during the day as we navigated through one of the first protected marine areas of southern South América. We made our way to Puerto Natales, which will be our port of call for our visit to the world famous Torres del Paine National Park.
- Daily Expedition Reports
- 02 Mar 2022
Parque Marino Francisco Coloane and Chilean Fjords, 3/2/2022, National Geographic Endurance
- Aboard the National Geographic Endurance
- Patagonia
Southern Patagonia: Glaciers, Fjords & Wildlife
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