What an incredible day immersed in local culture and history at Old Masset on the island of Haida Gwaii. We were immediately welcomed into the homes and lives of native Haida, local artists, expert carvers, dancers, and chiefs. Jim Hart shared with us his passion for carving and his plans for particular projects that are currently in the process of becoming finished works. Christian White led us into his workshop where canoes rested, workbenches were full of used tools, and poles were coming to life. The afternoon came to its crescendo with a bountiful feast of native foods, including herring roe, salmon, fry bread, fish chowder, sea asparagus, and soap berries with cream for dessert. The dance performers gave everyone a feel for what a potlach would be like, and many guests joined in on the men and women’s dances. What a privilege to learn from the Haida people and share in this magical experience with them.
- Daily Expedition Reports
- 05 Sep 2018
Queen Charlotte City and Old Masset, 9/5/2018, National Geographic Sea Lion
- Aboard the National Geographic Sea Lion
- Alaska
A Remarkable Journey to Alaska, British Columbia & Haida Gwaii
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